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Transport properties of concrete such as permeability measure the flow of fluids or ions through it
This apparatus consists of tri-axial containment
cells which have been adapted to achieve flow of fluids through small
cylindrical samples at pressures up to 100 atmospheres (10 MPa). The cells are
modified "Hoek" rock mechanics cells and the permeant input pressure
is derived from a pump.
Permeability Measurements: Permeabilities may be
measured with a resolution of 10-19 m2 for the intrinsic
permeability which is equivalent to a coefficient of permeability of 10-12
m/s for water. The time taken for the tests ranges from 30 minutes to 24 hours
depending on the permeability.
Adsorption measurements: The apparatus may be used
to measure sorption either by analysis of the loss of concentration in the
fluid or by analysis of the solid sample after the test. All of the liquid
contact components of the apparatus are made from grade 316 stainless steel,
chemically resistant plastics or glass and are therefore suitable for use with
a wide range of chemicals. Chemical analysis is carried out in the Chemistry
Chloride Permeability Test Apparatus. We
have developed new numerical models for this test and published a number of
papers on it.
These are diffusion
test cells
This is our apparatus for the Initial Surface Absorption Test