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An ENTRUST project jointly
undertaken by Imperial College and Coventry University,
1998 - 2005
Professor Alan Atkinson Imperial College
Dr Peter Claisse Coventry
Dr Mark Tyrer Imperial
Dr Essie Ganjian Coventry
Sam Dewsnap P
S D Associates
This research programme aims to develop alternative
types of liner for leachate containment in waste disposal. These new barriers offer substantial
technical, economical and environmental benefits relative to types in current
use. The programme started in 1998 and
the first project (designated phase 1a) was completed in August 2001. The intended duration and objectives of each
phase are given in the table below.
Phase |
Start Date |
End Date |
Objectives |
1a |
1998 |
2001 |
Initial investigation of candidate concrete
mixes. Construction of trial cells. Laboratory measurements of strength and
permeability and investigation of reaction kinetics. |
1b |
2002 |
2004 |
Design of large-scale trial of the barrier system.
Obtain approval for its construction. Evaluate further waste materials.
Obtain further results from the existing site trials. Measure diffusion and
leaching rates in the candidate concrete mixes. |
2 |
2004 |
2005 |
Construct large-scale trial. Trial cell will have extensive
instrumentation, but will be used for large-scale waste disposal. |
3 |
2005 |
Full scale commercial use |
The project seeks to minimise wastes from the metals
and processing industries by re-cycling them as alternative materials for use
as landfill liners. To this end, a consortium of waste producers contributes to
the work, under the management of the Mineral Industry Research Organisation,
The objectives of this phase were to analyse the wastes arising from each partner’s operation and to assess their suitability for use as landfill liner materials. Subsequently, these wastes were combined to produce a novel composite landfill liner, which was used in the three field trials at Risley in Cheshire.
The wastes fall into three principle material types
and all have been physically and chemically classified:
foundry sands. Residues from the castings industry, these materials are
principally quartz sands with residues of thermally degraded binders such as
clay minerals (green sand) and phenolic resins combined with carbon char (shell
slags from the metals refining industry such as borate-zinc oxide melts,
alkaline sulphates, ferrosilicates and heavy metal–bearing “soda” slags.
raffinates such as alkaline sodium sulphate solution produced during acid
neutralisation of processing waste.
The classification has involved particle size
analysis of the solids, optical and electron microscopy, physical testing and
both classical and instrumental chemical analysis.
Subsequent laboratory work has focussed on examining
these materials as cementitious binders in their own right, as cement
replacement materials or as chemical activators for other cementitious
materials. This has allowed the solids to be grouped into those materials which
have cementitious properties, those which are relative chemically inert and
would be suitable for use as aggregates and to identify any materials which are
not suitable for use as liner materials.
In making this classification, extensive physical testing has been
undertaken, examining expansion, compressive strength, permeability and
resistance to chemical attack by synthetic leachates. Following experiments evaluating permeability and compressive strength,
analytical electron microscopy has been used to identify dewatering pathways
and modes of failure.
materials testing programme has identified a number of promising material
combinations and these have been used to produce the three experimental
landfill liners trial cells as shown in Figure1. The design philosophy is that
of a multi-layer barrier in which the performance of each layer compliments the
Composition |
Layer |
Function |
made with, for example, alkali activated slag, spent foundry sand and
metallurgical slag aggregate. |
Top Layer Concrete 200mm |
support of vehicles during operational phase. Protection of clay layer |
clay |
Middle Layer Clay 500mm |
barrier and ion exchange medium |
made with, for example, cement kiln dust and crushed demolition waste |
300mm |
conditioning of leachate by alkaline matrix.
Suppression of metal solubilities. |
Host Geology |
1. Detail of the new composite landfill liner system used in phase 1a
role of the base layer is to provide a strong foundation, which will support the
hydraulic barrier but also contribute to the chemical conditioning of leachate
which will percolate through the structure in the final stages of the
post-closure period. The middle layer consists of non-swelling clay (possibly
artificial), compacted to provide a hydraulic barrier which will prevent
leachate migration for some hundreds of years.
On top of this, is a top layer of concrete which
fulfils two functions; in the operational phase of the landfill, it will
support vehicles allowing them to drive directly on to the liner and in the
post closure phase, will contribute to the physical containment of the leachate
but more importantly, chemically condition the leachate, neutralising organic
acids and precipitating heavy metals.
2: Placing and compacting of middle clay layer by machine bucket.
objectives of this phase are:
1. To design
a large-scale trial of the novel cementitious barrier system and obtain
approval for its construction.
2. To
evaluate further different waste materials for use in cementitious liners.
3. To obtain
further results from the existing site trials.
4. To
measure diffusion and leaching rates in the candidate concrete mixes.
1. The Design
of the Large Scale Trial.
The main input to this work will be the requirements
of the Environment Agency. Contact has
already been established with the Agency and specific approval was given for
the construction of the test cells in phase 1a. Further contacts will be made at regional level in the area where
the trial is to take place and also at national level (Bristol Headquarters).
The large-scale trial (Phase 2) will form either a
major part of, or all of, a disposal cell.
The design will include the following elements:
design - to be carried out in collaboration with the site operator.
design of barrier - based on the results of the laboratory and site
experimental work.
assessment - Numerical modelling is seen as the key to predicting the spatial and
temporal evolution of the liner system. Using properties measured in that
laboratory and in the field in combination with solicited expert judgement, a
system model will be developed with which the chemical and physical evolution
of the containment system will be simulated. This will involve reactive
chemical-transport modelling using a range of codes and data.
At the initial stage potential sites will be
investigated and preliminary designs will be developed. As soon as an initial design is prepared it
will be presented to the EA and all of their requirements for further design or
research work will be implemented. Monitoring systems for the trial will also
be designed. These will, at minimum,
comply with any EA requirements and include in-situ monitoring and piezometer
As part of the project, generic design requirements
for cementitious barriers will be developed for use at other sites and to
contribute to future EA guidelines.
2. Evaluation
of Further Waste Materials.
It is important that the range of materials under
test should be continually increased.
The basis of the new barrier types is concrete made from combinations of
waste materials. No single waste stream
can be used for this and widening the range of different materials permits the
production of better concretes using both the new materials and those already
in the programme. This type of
investigation will become yet more important as the designs become site
specific and transport costs are included in the design evaluations.
The following materials have already been identified
for possible inclusion: Glass polishing
residues, Demolition fines (from the crushing of demolition waste), Steel
converter slags, Glass cullet, Sugar refining wastes, Masonry wastes from
furnace re-lining
3. Monitoring
of existing cells.
The monitoring of the existing cells will continue
throughout the programme if access to them remains possible. While the cells
remain accessible pore fluid recovery and analysis will continue.
The development of test methods will continue both
to assist with the monitoring of the existing cells and to help with the design
of the monitoring methods for phase 2.
4. Measurement
of diffusion and leaching.
Two main processes control transport of harmful
species through a landfill barrier:
driven liquid flow (advection). This
depends on permeability which has been measured extensively on the candidate
mixes in phase 1a using novel experimental methods developed during phase 1a.
Diffusion. This is the movement of aqueous species
through porous media and is determined by the coefficient of diffusion and
their relative activities in solution. Thin discs of the material will be
tested with measurements made with ion-specific electrodes and by classical
(wet chemistry) methods as appropriate.
Both tests are affected by adsorption and leaching
(these have been measured in the permeability tests) and will also be measured
in the diffusion tests. Industry
standard leaching tests will also be carried out for comparison purposes. It is anticipated that these will be
required by the EA.